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Can Onions and garlic be eaten together

Garlic does not go well with food1. Garlic should not be taken with tonic.Garlic avoid rehmannia root, polygonum multiflorum, peony skin.Eating garlic and scallions together can hurt your stomach.4. Ea…

The efficacy and function of aged vinegar and garlic

The effects of vinegar and garlic include relieving cough and asthma, detoxifying and dispersing blood stasis, lowering lipid and blood pressure, etc. According to the determination, garlic contains mo…

Can garlic sprout be eaten? Better not eat it

Can garlic sprout be eaten?As a side dish it can refreshing cocktail, as it also has a food sterilization detoxification of magical effect, in the north of our country a lot of people love to eat garl…

Pickled garlic sweet and sour garlic

How to marinate garlicmaterialFresh garlic 5000 grams. Salt 1000 grams, white sugar 1000 grams, cold boiled water 1000 grams, vinegar 500 gramspracticeStep 1: pare off garlic fibrous root, leave 2-3 ce…

What are the effects of black garlic?

Strong antioxidant abilityThe essence of human aging is oxidation, and the strong antioxidant function of black garlic is the main reason why it can produce a very good effect on many diseases, and at …

Can garlic dispel spot?

Can garlic dispel spotGarlic has the effect of removing age spots.Garlic contains sulfur compounds with strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, containing antioxidant ingredients similar to…